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Reply to: 9-day September Solo on Lookout River, Shawanabis Lake, & Kopka River, to Bukamega Lake takeout
<blockquote><strong class="quote">Anonymous wrote:</strong> <P>Hi Rob,</P> <P>thank you for your thoughtful and detailed report, I enjoyed it very much. Sorry about your phone - and lack of pictures! Considering running the Kopka this summer I wonder how essential are w/w skills for such expedition. I have some w/w experience, but on a remote solo trip I'd limit myself to non-technical class II rapids that can be scouted, and only if there's a safe pool below. Did you encounter any must-run rapids above this level or tricky put-ins/take-outs? Your advice will be much appreciated.</P> <P>Regards,</P> <P>Sergey<BR></P> </blockquote><br>
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