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Reply to: Train in/Train out 10 days
<blockquote><strong class="quote">Andrew Pamenter wrote:</strong> <P>Great, thank you True_North. I did see your trip report and others, wonderful detail.</P> <P>The run to Collins looks appealing. Yes, lots of possibilities and having a fixed return date is a bit cumbersome, all the more so if one busts a gut to get to the take-out only to wait half a day for the train to show up.</P> <P>Apparently until March, all VIA tickets purchased are fully refundable regardless of, I said to myself, why not?</P> <P>Just got the FOW booklet and will be stitching together some topographical maps to sort out distances and possible routes.</P> <P>I have not looked yet but have you paddled on Onamakawash Lake? The run through there and to Schultz's Trail or Tempest Lake looks interesting.</P> <P>Canoe as luggage...just called VIA and booked the canoe, will pay on board apparently...still not sure if luggage car eventually gets filled with its limit of canoes and paddlers booked on that particular train are SOL if late in booking. Best to check if there is canoe space on the car before booking the trip?<BR></P> </blockquote><br>
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