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Reply to: Pashkokogan to Rockcliff Lake, loop back through Takeoff and McCrea Lakes. FOW Maps Volume Two
<blockquote><strong class="quote">Anonymous wrote:</strong> <P><A href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awGcGDy2aA4&t=1040s" target="_blank"><STRONG>This is a YouTube trip video by Todd Reich</STRONG></A>, following routes cleared by The Wabakimi Project in 2008, 2009. His loop started at the North Albany Fishing Lodge on Pashkokogan Lake, then Greenbush Lake, the Metig Lakes, up to Rockcliff & Colehouse Lake; then back to Takeoff, Shoe, McCrea lakes. Todd references Uncle Phil and the Project's work. He also consulted with Laurence Mills (<A href="https://wabakimimaps.com/" target="_blank">wabakimimaps.com</A>). Safe parking may available at the Lodge during the season. (see their website) This route is a potential for the Wabakimi Canoe Routes Guidebook as a loop that can be reached by car. Todd has also posted various comments about this route in the Wabakimi section of BWCA.com (Wabawho). This is a FOW Maps Volume Two route .</P> </blockquote><br>
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