Volume Four, Wabakimi Canoe Route Maps (PDF DOWNLOAD)

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PDF DOWNLOAD (upon purchase you'll receive the download link and password to open the file) (Please do pdf downloads as a separate order from any maps we have to send to you.) Volume Four contains 20 maps that cover the Albany River and its southern tributaries. The coverage area extends east along the Albany River from Patte Lake to Abizotikichuan Lake and includes the route to Fort Hope on Eabamet Lake. The southern tributaries of the Albany River contained in this booklet include the Greenmantle, Shabuskwia, Witchwood, Attwood, Cat Tail and Opichuan Rivers as well as Petawa Creek all of which are historically-significant waterways that link the Albany and Ogoki Rivers. Volume Four, Wabakimi Canoe Route Maps 1. Patte Lake to Miminiska Lake via Albany River 2. Miminiska Lake to Petawanga Lake via Albany River 3. Petawanga Lake to Triangular Lake via Albany River 4. Triangular Lake to Abizotikichuan Lake via Albany River 5. Shabuskwia Lake to Patte Lake via Shabuskwia River 6. Misehkow River to Shabuskwia River via Greenmantle River 7. Shabuskwia Lake 8. Shabuskwia Lake to Luella Lake Lake via Kilbarry Lake 9. Luella Lake to Attwood Lake via Attwood River 10. Attwood Lake to Peninsular Lake via Attwood River 11. Peninsular Lake to Triangular Lake (Gowie Bay) via Albany River 12. Peninsular Lake to Kellow Lake via Cat Tail River 13. Kellow Lake to Abizotikichuan Lake via Opichuan River 14. Kagianagami Lake to Kellow Lake via Opichuan River 15. Kagianagami Lake (Humble Bay) to Elbow Lake via Muskrat Lake 16. Mahamo Lake to Kagianagami Lake via Opichuan River 17. Whiteclay Lake to Grinch Lake via Witchwood River 18. Grinch Lake to Hurst Lake via Witchwood River 19. Attwood Lake to Petawanga Lake via Petawa Creek 20. Eabamet Lake to Triangular Lake via Eabamet River
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