Albany River (from Hwy 599) to Attwood, Witchwood and Pikitigushi Rivers. (Pdf download) 29 map pages. This Albany River trip that begins at the Lake St. Joseph/Osnaburgh Lake headwaters. Accessing the Albany from highway 599, we have included two alternate starting points:
- Directly from Osnaburgh Lake there are two entry points. By Rat Rapids or further south at Cedar Rapids.
- Or from Pashkokogan Lake and Pashkokogan River to Osnaburgh Lake.
We have also included two alternate finishes:
- The Raymond and Pikitigushhi Rivers to Pikitigushi Lake and the Airport Road for a shuttle to Armstrong.
- Or a shorter route directly to Armstrong from Whiteclay Lake, Whitewater, and the Caribou River.
- Or, of course, you can always pre-arrange a fly-out from anywhere along the route
If you haven’t seen it already, you may want to check out perhaps the most thorough Albany trip report at and its subsequent chapters, by Ramblin’ Boy
Most of this route is through a 'Non-operating' Provincial Park and Crown Lands, which is to say that the portage trails are not maintained by Park crews but are maintained by the users. So please help where you can.